After Action Report

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OCS Case Blue - scenario 7.8

Game OCS Case Blue
Scenario scenario 7.8
Go directly to the last month. Go directly to the last turn.

November, 1942

November 1st, 1942


North South Flight
Light freeze Light mud Normal


As the sky is still clear, the frost begin to bite in the North...

The Hungarish soldiers are crossing the Don around the swamp in order to establish a front to avoid a surprise through the Manych River.


New facilities has been built in North to protect the LR bombers, but the fighters was not yet deployed and the Stukas sent already some bombs on them.

Slow advance of the 4th Mot Div toward Rostov.

November 5th, 1942


North South Flight
Light freeze Light mud Normal


Assault on the German tanks south of Tsimlanskaya by the 17th and 22th Tank Corps.

Surprise attack on the just arrived Italian in Tikhoretsk by the 4th Mot Div, supported by independent tank brigades.


Difficulties to escape for the tanks of the 22th Pz.

November 8th, 1942


North South Flight
Light freeze Light mud Normal


Preparation for the winter offensive: cold in north, light mud in south.

With more or less success the 17th and 22nd Tank Corps cleared the path of German tanks.


The German are slowly coming back to Maikop...

November 12th, 1942


North South Flight
Light freeze Light mud Limited


Maikop is back in German hands and the rail to Rostov is under threat from the SS Viking.


Limited attack, as prelude, mainly successful...

November 15th, 1942


North South Flight
Light freeze Light mud Normal


Failed attack of the Hungarish, stopped by a terrible Russian artillery barrage.

Counter-attack on the limited Soviet attack.

Invasion of Maikop almost done; the oil engineers are coming back to extract the oil


Massive assault!

A large hole is open in th German lines. The 1st, 24th Tank corps and 1st Guard Mot Div are going up to Morozevsk.

In North, the tanks fail to make the hole.

November 19th, 1942


North South Flight
Light freeze Light mud Normal

November 22nd, 1942


North South Flight
Light freeze Light mud Limited


From North to South, variable results of the Rusian offensive.

At Boguchar, everything is stopped. Not enough troops to exploit the first, difficult, assault.

After Mrozovsk, the tanks of the 1st Guards Mot Corps and 24th Tank Corps take Tatsinskaya esily and join the ones from the 1st Tank Corps.

The German in Tsimlanskaya are cut from the rear by the action of the 13th Mot Corps who repulsed easily the Hungarian from Zstvcia.

Mechetinskaya is taken by a brutal assault by the colum from Sal'sk. The German paratroopers and remnants of 16th Pz and 29th Mot Div will have to gather quickly and retreat toward Rostov.

Epic failure of the 5th Tank Army in front of Pavloskaya, while the entire 4th Mot Corps is running South to face the SS menacing to cut the rail, while they retook Maikop.


First delivery of oil from Maikop. Slow retreat toward Rostov after the continuation of the Russian offensive.

In South the Viking SS Divisionand the 14th Pz Corps cut the railroad and still repulse the Russian, protecting Maikop.

November 26th, 1942


North South Flight
Light freeze Light mud Limited


Continuation of the offensive.


The retreat gives the German some more solid positions to defend. The fresh 6th PzDiv, arriving directy from Normandy, is ready to fight with their Italian comrades of the D'Aosta Division.

The 1st Panzerkorps was able to exit the trap and the 3rd PzDiv and infantry of the 40th Panzerkorps destroyed two Guards units and tried even to retake Boguchar.

Not sure the Soviet will be able to break through the German defences...

November 29th, 1942 Last turn


North South Flight
Moderate freeze Light freeze Normal


The South begins to enter Winter from now. No more mud...

The rail is reestablished between Stalingrad and the Rostov-Armavir road.

The SS are bypassed and feel alone in the steppes.

Violent fight to try to trap the German.

Facing Rostov, a quick move from the left of the Tuapse Operation Group overthrows the paratroopers and almost join the bridges of Rostov destroying the Police SS guarding the track in the middle of the swamps.
